Julia recently completed her master’s degree in business education in her hometown Konstanz in Germany. She is passionate about people’s development, education, and learning. This why she is especially happy to support the Angels team in organising engaging Angels training events and learning materials.
Julia also holds a qualification in hospitality management and a bachelor’s degree in international business administration.
She has worked with Angels before. For almost two years, she was part of a logistics agency supporting the organisation of international training events. When she started her master’s programme, she joined the Angels team part-time for another two years. Now the master’s is successfully done, she is happy to be back full-time!
Juliát mindig is lenyűgözte az Angels közösség szellemisége és a stroke-ellátás javításában mutatkozó szoros együttműködés. She experienced the importance of time (every second counts!) when a close family member suffered a stroke not long ago. Thanks to fast reaction and proper treatment her relative not only survived the stroke but fully recovered. Kapott egy második esélyt az életre!
Juliát büszkeséggel tölti el az, hogy egy olyan csapat tagja lehet, akik mindent megtesznek annak érdekében, hogy a stroke-betegek számára egy második esélyt adjanak az életre.